On 7/16/09 8:37 PM, "Kalen Mercer" <merce...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am working on typesetting Pavane pour une infante Defunte by Ravel but am
> having trouble with the score layout. It is as follows:
> \score {
> \new StaffGroup <<
> \new Staff { \global \flutes }
> \new Staff { \global \hautbois }
> \new Staff { \global \clarinettes }
> \new Staff { \global \cors }
> \new PianoStaff <<
> \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"1 Harpe "
> \new Staff = "harpeone" \harpeone
> \new Staff = "harpetwo" \harpetwo
> \new StaffGroup <<
> \new GrandStaff <<
> \new Staff { \global \violonsone }
> \new Staff { \global \violonstwo }
> \new Staff { \altos }
> \new GrandStaff <<
> \new Staff { \global \violoncelles }
> \new Staff { \global \contrebasses }

Your structure is: 

A StaffGroup (winds) in parallel with a PianoStaff (harps), and another
StaffGroup (strings) consisting of a GrandStaff in parallel with a Staff and
a Second GrandStaff.

But you don't have the SimultaneousMusic indicators << before the first
StaffGroup, so LilyPond doesn't know how to deal with the winds staff group
followed by the harps piano staff.

The solution:  Add a << before the first \new StaffGroup, and make sure you
match << with >> appropriately.



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