> Your structure is:
> A StaffGroup (winds) in parallel with a PianoStaff (harps), and another
> StaffGroup (strings) consisting of a GrandStaff in parallel with a Staff
> and
> a Second GrandStaff

> But you don't have the SimultaneousMusic indicators << before the first
> StaffGroup, so LilyPond doesn't know how to deal with the winds staff group
> followed by the harps piano staff.
> The solution:  Add a << before the first \new StaffGroup, and make sure you
> match << with >> appropriately.

> HTH,
> Carl

Hmm... I added << after the \score and after all of the staffs. But
another error ( what a surprise! ) showed up: the horrid #(if
(and (ly:get-option 'old-relative)! Oh, how I hate that one. Thanks to
google I just inserted

\ly:get-option 'old-relative-used

And it works! Thanks for the help.

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