Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
>> IMO, such a page is best reserved until people have a little bit
>> of experience with lilypond.
> Which will be a quite bad experience without a decent editing
> environment...

I agree with Bertalan. Editing environments are great to help people get
up to speed with LilyPond. The first thing I did when helping my wife
get started with LilyPond (she does most of my first drafts) was to set
up LilyPondTool. That removed multiple layers of complexity for her -
running LilyPond was a button-click away (rather than using the
command-line or navigating to the file in Explorer) and previewing was
just as simple as well.

I can understand wanting people to know how the internals work before
everything is wired up for them. The learning from the bottom-up
mentality is definitely the way I think (knowing *how* my car works -
rather than just what it does - for example, has been very valuable),
but I think it's unrealistic to expect potential users to adopt this
mindset overnight, without anyone personally helping them in the process.

Chris Snyder
Adoro Music Publishing
1-616-828-4436 x800

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