Without seeing your code we can only speculate about your problem. Having said that, however, new users often miss the point that LilyPond needs to be told the actual pitch of every note regardless of the key signature. If you're getting, for example, e-naturals when you want e-flats, be sure that you are coding for an e-flat.

\key g \minor


...will output an e-natural


Sona wrote:
I'm new to Lilypond and the list. So far the code is pretty intuitive, but I am stumped by the way accidentals work. Several posts deal with this subject, but probably are beyond a novice's ability to undertand. I'm transcribing a modern piece with 2 flats in the key signature (I've set \key g \minor). It's rather atonal, though, so it seems Lilypond tries to correct pitch by turning every e-flat and b-flat into a natural. What code do I use to override this? The printed result should have only 4 accidentals. Right now there are 37, and of course the pitches are all off.
What do I put where in what part of the code? I can send my page code, if it 
would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

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