On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:39:37AM -0700, Sona wrote:
> I'm new to Lilypond and the list. So far the code is pretty
> intuitive, but I am stumped by the way accidentals work. Several
> posts deal with this subject, but probably are beyond a novice's
> ability to undertand. 

No.  Those posts tried a horrible solution which didn't fix
anything.  This *is* well within a novice's ability understand.

Please read chapter 2 of the Learning Manual.  Tutorial->Simple
notation->Key signatures and Accidentals.
(or something like that)

> I'm transcribing a modern piece with 2 flats in the key
> signature (I've set \key g \minor). It's rather atonal, though,
> so it seems Lilypond tries to correct pitch by turning every
> e-flat and b-flat into a natural. 

It sounds like your input contained e-natural and b-natural.  You
probably wanted to write ees and bes in your input file.

Seriously, have you read the tutorial?  If so, why did you skip
over the big warning about accidentals?  This is the second person
recently to not notice that warning; should we make it bigger, or
add a red background, or something?

- Graham

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