Hi Alexander,

I just took your question as a motivation to finally add the functionality for *num/den suffixes in the following rhythm snippet.

This is fabulous… and *way* more than I was expecting.  ;)

@ all:
The string->duration routine certainly is not production-stage or well tested

Wouldn't the whole implementation be a lot easier as something like

  applyRhythm  = #(define-music-function (parser location rhythm music)
    (ly:music? ly:music? ly:music?)

  inegale = #(define-music-function (parser location music)
    #{ \applyRhythm s8. s16 $music #})

i.e., use music(s) instead of strings to define the "rhythm pair", so you don't have to deal with duration parsing/transformation?

Cheers (and thanks),

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