Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Alexander,

I just took your question as a motivation to finally add the functionality for *num/den suffixes in the following rhythm snippet.

This is fabulous… and *way* more than I was expecting.  ;)

Well, that's not my fault... :-) Really, everything but the string->duration is taken from the LSR.

@ all:
The string->duration routine certainly is not production-stage or well tested

Wouldn't the whole implementation be a lot easier as something like

  applyRhythm  = #(define-music-function (parser location rhythm music)
    (ly:music? ly:music? ly:music?)

  inegale = #(define-music-function (parser location music)
    #{ \applyRhythm s8. s16 $music #})

i.e., use music(s) instead of strings to define the "rhythm pair", so you don't have to deal with duration parsing/transformation?

Yes and no. It's certainly easier for this special case, but the applyRhythm as is gives far more freedom than your example.

If you have a rhythm like "4 4 8 8 4" in several voices, you can just say

  rhythmA = "4 4 8 8 4"
  sop = \applyRhythm #rhythmA { c d e f g | g f e d c }
  alt = \applyRhythm #rhythmA { g f e d c | c d e f g }

and don't have to care at all about the rhythm while entering the notes. This makes it perfect for homophonic songs, especially when the same rhythmic pattern appears repeated throughout the whole piece, and the string argument is more simple and tidy to write than { s4 s4 s8 s8 s4 }.

Anyway, I actually thought about extending the snippet to take a music input, to allow something like { s4 s4-> s8( s8) s4-> } as input, where not only the rhythm, but everything attached to the skips in the first argument gets copied - or better - merged into the second argument. (In fact, this does not sound too hard to do. I think I'll try this soon...) Or add a filter, s. t. only the duration of those notes gets changed for which no explicit duration is given, which allows for short intermezzi of a different rhythms. This latter one is harder, however, since you have to "merge" the timings of the different music arguments.

But in the end, all this would actually be _harder_ to implement - since I'd have to write it myself, and could not just copy it from $RANDOM_STRANGER putting code in the LSR...

Now I also remember what the rhythm parsing function should already be available for: the \note markup takes quite the same as an argument, but of course does not need the *num/den as well, right?

Cheers (and thanks),

You're welcome.


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