
are you clicking "Reply" instead of "Reply all"? I haven't seen any of
your messages since the first one, and they aren't appearing in the
archives. This can happen if you send replies just to one person and
not to the whole list.

Please keep all discussion on list - the easiest way to do this is to
click "Reply All" and ensure that is in the To:
or Cc: list.

If the people here can't read your messages, we cannot possibly help
you. If you make us work harder to read your messages (by having to
check other people's replies for quoted text) then it makes us less
likely to help you.


2009/12/15 James Lowe <>:
> Robert,
>> On 15.12.2009, at 00:54, Robert Ley wrote:
>>> Well, with v 2.13.9  I now have the full menu bar and all the
>>> commands, but the first open page doesn't compile, no .pdf format
>>> reader appears. I've tried saving the file several different ways and
>>> re-opening it; doesn't compile.

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