Hi all,

How am I supposed to use lilypond-book on windows?

I'm in  a cygwin csh shell. Instructions say:

>To produce a PDF file through PDFLaTeX, use

>    lilypond-book --pdf yourfile.pdftex
>    pdflatex yourfile.tex

lilypond-book is however not a recognized command.

I then tried (after finding lilypond-book.py and some guessing)

python 'c:\program files\lilypond\usr\bin\lilypond-book.py' foo.lytex

and get:

running latex...Dissecting...lilypond-book.py: error file not found: 

I can't find anything in the docs, but haven't read them cover to cover. (My 
miktex is fine.)

Appreciate any help,

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