Hi All,

I'm currently engraving a piece for several instruments, one of them an
acoustic guitar.
I'ld like to be able to print both the full score, and the instruments
separately, in which case I wanna print guitar tabs as well.

At some locations I add a second voice, as in the snippet I includes
with this mail, but that doesn't work for tabs; the new voice is twice
interpreted as a normal voice and an extra normal (G clef) staff is
In the documentation and snippets I found several examples, but they all
expect the complete piece to be in more voices, and that's not the case
here. Am I missing something?

My code is below.
Thanks in advance,

\version "2.12.2"

guitar = \relative c' {
a,4 a16 e' bes' cis g'( e)~ e4. 

    \hideNotes bes'4\( \unHideNotes a8( g) a g \set TabStaff.minimumFret
= #2 f e~
    e2 \grace { e16 } e2\turn\) \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #0
    \hideNotes bes'4\( \unHideNotes a8( g) a g \set TabStaff.minimumFret
= #2 f e~
    e2 \hideNotes e2 \)\unHideNotes
  \new Voice {
    \voiceTwo <a,, f' bes d bes'>2\arpeggio a a a  <a f' bes d bes'>2
\arpeggio a a 
>> \oneVoice

<a e' a cis e>16
<a e' a cis e>
<a e' a cis e>
<a e' a cis e>
<a e' a cis e>2.\fermata

\score {
    \new StaffGroup <<
    \context Staff="Accoustic guitar" <<
      \set Staff.instrumentName="Accoustic guitar"
      \clef "G_8"
    \context TabStaff="Accoustic guitartabs" <<
      \set TabStaff.instrumentName="Guitartabs"
      \set StaffGroup.instrumentName="Accoustic guitar"


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