Il giorno Tue, 26 Jan 2010 10:27:58 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <> ha scritto:

> Federico Bruni wrote:
> > I guess the problem is that you've inserted \new Voice inside a
> > variable.
> > I'm not sure if this is correct.. I think \new commands must be
> > placed in \score blocks. Right?
> >   
> Not at all! Read the section on Explicitly Instantiating voices, in
> the Learning Manual. Also, please remember that using a variable in
> (say) a \score block is identical to copy/pasting the content of the
> variable directly into the \score block.
>     /Mats

Ops, sorry for my disinformation.

But, beside that, the thing is: if I use \new Voice in that example,
LilyPond thinks it's part of a new Staff. Instead, I want to just
create a new voice, which should be then interpreted as
belonging to both (Staff)Voice and TabVoice in the StaffGroup of \score
Is this possible?

Here's a minimal example:

\version "2.13.11"

guitar = \relative c' {
  % Monophony
  c4 d e f |
  %% Temporary polyphony
      c4 d e f |
    \new Voice {
      c,1 | % TODO: this is not printed in TabStaff, just in a new Staff
  % Back to monophony
  c'4 d e f |

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff <<
      \clef "G_8"
    \new TabStaff <<

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