On 29 July 2010 14:47, Éditions IN NOMINE <cont...@editionsinnomine.com> wrote:

> If it is so, my question is : which trick could make all the letters align
> on the same line ?

You need to find the definition of `fret-letter-tablature-format'
(it's in scm/translation-functions.scm) and tweak it slightly so it
doesn't centre the letters:

(define-public (fret-letter-tablature-format
                context string-number fret-number)
 (let ((labels (ly:context-property context 'fretLabels)))
  ;; changed from make-vcenter-markup
    ((= 0 (length labels))
     (string (integer->char (+ fret-number (char->integer #\a)))))
    ((and (<= 0 fret-number) (< fret-number (length labels)))
     (list-ref labels fret-number))
     (ly:warning "No label for fret ~a (on string ~a);
only ~a fret labels provided"
                 fret-number string-number (length labels))


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