On Sun, 05 Sep 2010 20:12:03 +0200, Alexander Kobel <n...@a-kobel.de>
> On 2010-09-05 19:55, Marc Schonbrun wrote:
>> On Sep 5, 2010, at 10:52 AM, PMA wrote:
>>> Hi List.
>>> Would it be feasible to prepend "[Lilypond]" to the forum's email Subject 
>>> line?
>>> Much of my other mail arrives this way -- like that from "[Csnd]" and 
>>> "[LAU]".
>>> Does wonders for auto-filing.
>> Why not just file based on the to:lilypond-u...@gnu.org?
> Even better: There are specific headers for mailing list general
> information, which are set by each self-respecting list admin, and on
> which filtering can be based. 

Mr. Schonbrun is precisely right; it is simple and reliable
to use the the basic recipient information using the
most rudimentary e-mail headers: is the mailing list included
in the discussion or not? If so, it is mailing list traffic.

Not all mailing list traffic passes through the list server!

People normally use "reply all" to respond, which means that some
of the traffic goes peer-to-peer. Those messages are still
list traffic.

> Most notably there's List-Id, which is
> set to "LilyPond user discussion <lilypond-user.gnu.org>" here. 

You are welcome to look for this header in this my reply to you.

(No peeking into the archives; that's cheating!)

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