On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Kaz Kylheku <k...@kylheku.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Sep 2010 14:22:35 -0400, Brett McCoy <idragos...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I like to scan emails in my inbox by subject, too, and it's nice to
>> see what is there (LAU, Ardour-user, etc). I use gmail so everything
>> isn't automatically moved to a folder.
> gmail problems should be solved by gmail. You can't expect the
> rest of the world to change because you have a crappy e-mail client
> which doesn't have folders and filtering.
> "Hey, I use Unix 'mail'. Everyone adjust!"
> You can kick the gmail habit. One option is that for pennies a day,
> you can have your own domain with DNS A and MX records pointing
> to your own machine.

You missed what I said, I do filter my mail, along with lots of other
music related mail into the same folder, it's just easier to scan
subjects, rather than have 100 different folders for 100 different
email lists. Changing the email address I've used for years is not the
solution. I do have my own domains (several, actually), and also use
gmail to aggregate them. Every other Linux based audio list I am on
pre-pends subjects with the list name. Why is this such a horrible
thing to do?

Brett W. McCoy -- http://www.electricminstrel.com
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
it would overturn the world."
    -- Jelaleddin Rumi

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