
I'm using lilypond v. 2.11.62 with \lyricsto as in:

TimeKey= {\key f \major}

MusicOne = \relative c' {
                        \set autoBeaming = ##f
\partial 8 f8 \bar"|" a4 f8 g \bar"|" a([ bes a]) g \bar"|" f2 \bar"|" a4 f8 g a([ bes a]) g \bar"|" f2 \bar"|" \break

c'4 c \bar"|" bes8([ a bes]) d \bar"|" c([ bes a g] \bar"|" f2) \bar"|" f8 f g a \bar"|" g([ f16 e d8]) e \bar"|" f2. r4 \bar"||"\break

\score {
    \new Staff <<
    \new Voice = "MonksOne" { \voiceOne \TimeKey \MusicOne }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "MonksOne"  { \VerseOne }

The slurs are up and the rests are too high and the "bes" notes have tails up instead of down.

Using the \addlyrics mode, the slurs are down, the rest is positioned on the b-line and the "bes" notes have tails down. What is this called and how do I "fix" it for \lyricsto mode to be like \addlyrics ?

I tried looking this up ... but don't know what to call it.


United in adoration of Jesus,

fr. michael gilmary, mma

Most Holy Trinity Monastery
67 Dugway Road
Petersham, MA 01366-9725


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