On Oct 7, 2010, at 7:56 PM, Fr. Michael Gilmary wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm using lilypond v. 2.11.62 with \lyricsto as in:
> TimeKey= {\key f \major}
> MusicOne = \relative c' {
>                        \set autoBeaming = ##f
> \partial 8 f8 \bar"|" a4 f8 g \bar"|" a([ bes a]) g \bar"|" f2 \bar"|" a4 f8 
> g a([ bes a]) g \bar"|" f2 \bar"|" \break
> c'4 c \bar"|" bes8([ a bes]) d \bar"|" c([ bes a g] \bar"|" f2) \bar"|" f8 f 
> g a \bar"|" g([ f16 e d8]) e \bar"|" f2. r4 \bar"||"\break
> }
> \score {
>    \new Staff <<
>    \new Voice = "MonksOne" { \voiceOne \TimeKey \MusicOne }
>    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "MonksOne"  { \VerseOne }
>    >>
>    }
> The slurs are up and the rests are too high and the "bes" notes have tails up 
> instead of down.
> Using the \addlyrics mode, the slurs are down, the rest is positioned on the 
> b-line and the "bes" notes have tails down. What is this called and how do I 
> "fix" it for \lyricsto mode to be like \addlyrics ?

\voiceOne sets slurs, stems and other associated things up. If you're only 
setting a single voice on the staff, just omit that, and everything should work 
out the way you want it to.

Hope this helps,

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