If you haven't already, I would suggest reading the learning manual through, so 
you have a basic understanding of how lilypond works. You may want to try and 
get one of the integrated environments (frescobaldi, denemo, jEdit 
+lilypondtool). You should, at that point, have enough knowledge to be able to 
enter things, understand what the integrated editing environment is doing, and 
make changes should the program not succeed. But, even if you just use a basic 
text editor, you'll get to a place where you really understand what it is you 
want to do, how to find things in your files, and how to enter things 

I am a mac user who got caught by bug 504 completely oblivious to the fact that 
there are much better (easier) ways of entering text for compilation by 
lilypond. Until that point, I was using the built-in lilypond editor (which is 
like a stripped down version of TextEdit) that has update and compilation built 
in. As a result of that bug, I:
a) learned how to use lilypond on the command line
b) learned how to build and install a program from source code on mac osx (nano 
2.0, 'cause nano 1 is pretty useless)
c) learned enough regex to create simple syntax hilighting rules
d) learned about the program Skim (which, at the time, was the easiest way to 
keep a pdf open and have it automatically refresh when the file was changed)
e) learned a whole lot about my computer that I never knew before

Along the way, I tried emacs and vim and TextMate and TeXShop (because they 
were mentioned in the documentation) but they were far too much for my simple 
needs, or too difficult to manage.

On Dec 19, 2010, at 2:27 AM, Ludo Beckers wrote:

> I guess I asked this question because I'm not sure whether or not I should 
> first learn Lilypond syntax and then see if I want/need to use tools besides 
> it.
> I asked about the combination vim-Lilypond sometime ago, but that would be 2 
> steep learning curves to tackle at once; a bit too much.
> btw Jethro, I see we're fellow countrymen :-) (Antwerpen here)
> Ludo 
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 12:09 AM, Jethro Van Thuyne <m...@jethrovanthuyne.be> 
> wrote:
> Ludo Beckers:
> > Just wondering, has there ever been a poll about how many Lilypond users
> > work with a certain specific tool.
> > Is the majority in this group using denemo, frescobaldi, lilypondtool or
> > other tools?
> Vim, with custom mappings (or without), has been the most practical
> tool for me so far.
> Jethro.
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