On 18/03/11 22:32, James Lowe wrote:

)-----Original Message-----
)From: lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org
)[mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org] On
)Behalf Of Kieren MacMillan
)Sent: 18 March 2011 11:15
)To: Graham Percival
)Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
)Subject: Re: [OT] Vivi, the Virtual Violinist, plays LilyPond music
) ...  -- and recent studies on youth support my belief with
)evidence. On the music side, consider the fact that recent studies have
)shown a majority of young people prefer the sound of compressed audio
)(e.g., low- to medium-bitrate MP3s) to uncompressed audio. [Pause here
)to fully appreciate the horror of that statement.]

do you have any reference to those recent studies?

Not being inflammatory but am genuinely interested. My own anecdotal evidence 
is that it depends on the 'depth' and how much you 'study' music as a 
profession or significant hobby (i.e. amateur conductor/composer) about the 
quality of the output vs the construction of the melody/music itself. That is 
it doesn't matter if the music is buzzing out of a tinny radio or £5,000 pound 
speakers to them, let alone worry about bit rates./compression and whatever it 
is they do to make everything loud (equalize?).

My observation, from having worked in a recording studio and at an University FM station in my youth, is that there is usually an inverse relationship between people's interest in hifi and how much live music they participate in, whether as performer or listener. In other words, the biggest hifi zealots are usually those who don't listen to much live music, and, except for the mastering of a recording they've just made, musicians aren't too fussed about getting absolute fidelity of reproduction when listening to recordings.


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