>>>>> "Father" == Father Gordon Gilbert <fatherg...@gmail.com> writes:

Father> Can someone help me here?  On this Anglican chant , in the
Father> tenth measure (end of the first section of verse two) the
Father> melody notes are 1/2 notes and the harmony notes are whole
Father> notes, yet in my pdf viewer, they are not lined up as I would
Father> like them.  I've tried in LilyPondTool to shift them a bit,
Father> but it doesn't seem to be working for some reason.  (It
Father> introduces a horiz. shift expression into the line, but it
Father> seems to have no effect.)

The problem is that the tenor and bass parts cross over here.
Lilypond offsets one of them to show this.

If you make the bass line stay below the tenor line all the way then
the line-up is perfect.

I found some of the formatting a bit strange --- but here's hwhat I
adjusted to get a result.  you may want to change it!

\header {
  filename = "Psalm121.ly"
  enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert"
  composer = "Anglican Chant"
  title = "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes"
  subtitle = "Psalm 121"
  arranger = "Gordon Gilbert"
  mutopiacomposer = \composer
  maintainer = "Gordon Gilbert"
  maintainerEmail = "g...@angelsroost.ca"
  lastupdated = "2011 * March * 22"

\version "2.13.29"
%  #(set-paper-size "letter")

global= {
  \time 4/4 \key d \major
  \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
  \skip 1*3 \bar "||"
  \skip 1*4 \bar "||"
  \skip 1*3 \bar "||"
  \skip 1*4 \bar "||"

sop =  \relative c' {
  fis1 a2 b d1
  fis,1 a2 b a a a1
  a1 b2 d2 cis( b)
  fis1 a2 b a e fis1

alto =  \relative c' {
        d1 e2 fis g1
        d1 e2 d e e fis1
        d1 fis2 fis e1
        d1 cis2 d e cis d1
tenor = \relative c' {
        a1 a2 b b1
        b1 cis2 b d cis a1
        a1 b2 b b1
        b,1 a'2 b a a a1
bass = \relative c' {
        d,1 cis2 b g1
        b1 a2 g a2 a d1
        d1 fis2 fis b,1
        b1 a2 g a a <d d,>1

text =  {

\score {
         \context ChoirStaff <<
           \context Staff ="upper"  
             \clef "G" 
        \context Voice = sop {\voiceOne \sop}
       \context Voice = alto {\voiceTwo \alto }
           \context Staff = "lower"  
             \clef "F"
               \context Voice = tenor {\voiceOne \tenor}
               \context Voice = bass {\voiceTwo \bass}
                indent = 0.0\pt
  \midi {
   \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 120 4)
  \wordwrap-string #"

1.  I WILL lift up mine | eyes un . to the | hills: *  O | whence -
cometh my | help?

2. My help cometh | even from the | LORD, * who | hath made heaven and | earth.

3. HE will not suffer thy | foot to be moved:  *  and he that |
keepeth thee will not | sleep.

4. Behold,| he that keep . eth | Israel  *  shall | neither slumber nor | sleep.

5. THE LORD him- | self is thy | keeper:  *  the LORD is thy de- |
fence upon thy right | hand;

6. So that the sun shall not | burn thee by | day,  *  nei- | ther the
moon by | night.

7. THE LORD shall pre - | serve thee from all | evil:  *  yea, it is
even | he that . shall keep thy | soul.

8. The LORD shall preserve thy going | out and thy coming | in,  *
from this time | forth for ever- | more."
  \markup { \wordwrap-string #"

          Glory be to the | Father, and to the Son, * and | to the Holy Ghost;"

 \markup {
   \wordwrap-string #"
         As it was in the beginning, is | now, and ever | shall be, * world
without | end. A- | men."


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