On Mar 26, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Father Gordon Gilbert wrote:

> Thanks, Peter!  That fixed all the errors as well as the spacing!
> There is one more thing I would like to accomplish -- to indent the
> Gloria Patri words just a bit.  I'm unfamiliar with the words below
> systems, and have tried various things I found in the manual, but
> nothing seems to have any effect.  Can you suggest how to do this?
> Thanks,
> Gordon+
> On 25/03/2011, Peter Chubb <lily.u...@chubb.wattle.id.au> wrote:
>>>>>>> "Father" == Father Gordon Gilbert <fatherg...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Father> Can someone help me here?  On this Anglican chant , in the
>> Father> tenth measure (end of the first section of verse two) the
>> Father> melody notes are 1/2 notes and the harmony notes are whole
>> Father> notes, yet in my pdf viewer, they are not lined up as I would
>> Father> like them.  I've tried in LilyPondTool to shift them a bit,
>> Father> but it doesn't seem to be working for some reason.  (It
>> Father> introduces a horiz. shift expression into the line, but it
>> Father> seems to have no effect.)
>> The problem is that the tenor and bass parts cross over here.
>> Lilypond offsets one of them to show this.
>> If you make the bass line stay below the tenor line all the way then
>> the line-up is perfect.
>> I found some of the formatting a bit strange --- but here's hwhat I
>> adjusted to get a result.  you may want to change it!

In each of your markups, you can prepend additional space to indent the words.  
For example, on lines where you have [\markup { \wordwrap-string #"], if 
instead you put [\markup { "  " \wordwrap-string #"], you'll get an indentation 
of 2 spaces.

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