On 04/04/11 09:31, Javier Ruiz-Alma wrote:
Any ideas as to how best to approximate the trill plus fingering notiation as shown in this image?
The closest I can get is:
a2.\trill^markup{\finger "3 2"}
However, this doesn't show the cap over the digits, plus lilypond seems to always try to display the "tr" symbol at the very top, no matter what order the modifiers are listed after the note.

To get the trill below the fingering, use something like this

once \override Script #'script-priority = #-100
<cs a e>4^\trill-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-0.6 . 0)^\markup { \finger "2121" }

Can't help with the cap over the fingering as I don't use that.

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