I'm usually writing files in "cadenzaOn" mode, multiple voices, lyrics. Using 
manual breaks is very constraining, time consuming, and anti-productive. 
Besides this, placing automatic invisible bars in all *relevant* places (for 
automatic line breaks, in different layouts) is typically a kind of computer 
task ! By the way, what was "barAlways" meant for ?

For the "slur" avoiding : would it be possible to overload the "(" and the ")" 
commands, so when lilypond meets the code :
a'8 ( b'8 )
it performs :
\set Score.automaticBars = ##f a'8 ( \set Score.automaticBars = ##t b'8 )
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Subject: Re: barAlways, slurs (melisma)

  I don't know whether you've been avoiding manual bars, but you can get the 
result you want for the first example like this:

  \version "2.13.34"
  \score {
   \new Staff <<    % or ChoirStaff
    \new Voice { \cadenzaOn \voiceOne a'8 b'8 \bar "|" c''8 d''8 \bar "|" b'4 
\bar "|" a'4 }
    \new Voice { \voiceTwo a'4  a'4 d'16 e'16 f'16 g'16 a'4}

  Phil Holmes

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    Subject: barAlways, slurs (melisma)

    Dear all,
    1) In the following :

    \version "2.13.34"
    \score {
     \new Staff <<    % or ChoirStaff
      \new Voice { \voiceOne a'8 b'8 c''8 d''8 b'4 a'4}
      \new Voice { \voiceTwo a'4 a'4 d'16 e'16 f'16 g'16 a'4}
     \layout {
      \context { \Score
       barAlways = ##t

    barAlways acts as if it was applied to the \Voice context : it draws a bar 
line after *every* note of *any* voice.
    Too bad. I would like it to draw a bar line *only* if no notes are still 
playing in any voice ; thus, for instance, no bar after the "a8" nor after the 
"e16". Could you help me ?

    2) In the following :

    \version "2.13.34"
    \score {
     \new Staff <<
      \new Voice {
       a'8 \( ( b'8) c''8( d''8) b'4 \) a'4
     \layout {
      \context { \Score
       barAlways = ##t

    I would like a bar line to be drawn after the "b8", after the "d8", after 
the "b4", and after the "a4" ; and nowhere else. That is : no bar inside of a 
"slur" (but it's ok inside of a "phrasing slur" ). Any hint ?

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