Thank tou, Laura.

I assume so that you could have line breaks anywhere instead of only at
the end of a "measure".

Yes !

I've always used it in conjunction with a
default bar type of "empty" or "".
I more often do that by removing the Forbid_line_break_engraver.  I do
wish that were a bit more intelligent -- even when I don't mind line
breaking in the middle of a "bar" (I usually typeset Renaissance music
where the composers weren't thinking in measures), I don't usually want
it between a dotted note and the next note.  I've been working around
this lack of feature by inserting \noBreak when lily puts a break in an
inconvenient place.

One of my current projects is a set of ricercadas on a bassline in
breves, where breaking only at breves wouldn't produce very good output,
but there are lots of places where it's inconvenient to break the melody
line, so those melody lines have a *lot* of \noBreak's in them.


For unwanted breaks, I can sort it out. The main problem is for lyrics. I don't want them to cross a visible bar line that I add explicitly (bar "|"). But I want them to follow the melisma ; that is, to cross invisible automatic bars. (Well, if an invisible bar does not break a note event, I don't really mind if lyrics can cross it.) If not, a long syllabe in lyrics does space the "a8" and "d8" in an ugly way.

Anyway, I think lilypond should not place a (automatic) bar between the "a8" and the "d8" in the expression "a8[( d8])", if there is at the same time a "a4", playing in another staff. I hope that in a future version, we'll have an option to set it off ; to make lilypond take care of concurrent note events, when placing automatic bars.

ps : nevertheless, I'm *so* grateful to the dev. squad for giving us such a piece of engraver !

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