Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold <at>> writes:

> The default settings of lilypond simply look ugly.

I know!  The developers who know choral music must have been out to lunch!

> To see my values, go to ...

Oh no! My eyes! They have melted!
Just kidding.  

Your more stretchable last-bottom space should probably be the default.
I made it only a little stretchable, worrying that people would complain if
ragged-bottom = ##f did not give a perfectly even bottom. Nobody complained.

I thought somebody complained if the top staff position varied between pages,
but I cannot find it now.

The reason that most of the stretchability on a page is between systems is 
to make obvious how many systems there are on a frenched large-ensemble score,
where there might be only one system on the first page, but two or three
on later pages when some instruments drop out temporarily.  There is room
for improvement in the defaults.

Sadly, I have completely forgotten how vertical spacing works, so I can't
change the defaults any more.

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