On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 12:04 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Michael Ellis <michael.f.el...@gmail.com> writes:
>> What's the right way to define a function that assigns string values
>> to LilyPond variables? I'm trying to create a function in an include
>> file that allows me to assign different values to variables used as
>> midi instrument specifiers.
>> %--------------------------------------------------------
>> setMainCueClapInstruments=
>> #(define-music-function (p l main cue clap) (string? string? string?)
>>    #{
>>        mainInstrument = #$main
>>        cueInstrument  = #$cue
>>        clapInstrument = #$clap
>>    #}
>>    (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))
>> \setMainCueClapInstruments #"cello" #"acoustic grand" #"woodblock"
>> %--------------------------------------------------------
>> But the parser throws errors, starting with the following ...
>> Parsing...
>> <string>:2:7: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
>>        mainInstrument = #lilyvartmpbg
> A music function can only do things you could also do inside of music.
> Assignments are _not_ permitted in music.  Music is something you can
> put into music variables and shuffle around.  Assignments are acted on
> immediately.
> What you _can_ put into music are property overrides and sets: those
> happen at the time they are replayed, and are wrapped into music events.
> You can, of course, just use ly:parser-define! inside of your function
> to manipulate variables.  But they will get changed at the _location_
> you call the music function, not at the _time_ the music expression is
> executed.  If you put setMainCueClapInstruments into a music variable
> then, the effect will occur at the time you define the music variable,
> not at the time you use it.
> If you want the latter, you need to go through properties.  Or even
> \ApplyToContext, but that's really obscure.

Thanks David, I appreciate the detailed explanation but I'm still
struggling with how to do what, in most programming languages, is a
fairly straightforward task:  define a variable in an outer scope and
temporarily change its value in an inner scope.

Over the past year or so, I've built up an include file with lots of
handy functions for transcribing individual choral parts from printed
scores.  As a  particular example, I have a function named cueNotes
that prints notes inline in a teeny font and different color and
specifies an alternate midi instrument and restores the defaults
before exiting.  Up until now, my preferences have been hard-coded,

#(define-music-function (p l music) (ly:music?)
  "for printing cue notes in teeny font in color"
      \set midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
      \override Accidental #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon)
      \override Beam #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon)
      \override NoteHead #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon)
      \override Rest #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon)
      \override Slur #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon)
      \override Stem #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon)
      \override Tie #'color = #(x11-color 'maroon)


      \revert  Accidental #'color
      \revert  Beam #'color
      \revert  NoteHead #'color
      \revert  Rest #'color
      \revert  Slur #'color
      \revert  Stem #'color
      \revert  Tie #'color

      \set midiInstrument = #"cello"

But recently, other singers in my choral groups are starting to use
LilyPond and want to make use of my templates and include files but
with the ability to easily change instrument and color preferences
without having to hack the files.

So, with that as background, let me re-ask the question in a different
form:  What's the best way to support changing a set of default

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