Am 30.12.2011 13:06, schrieb Peter Gentry:

Seasonal greetings.


However when it comes to the classical Minuet and Trio form I am stumped. Is it possible to produce all the various repeats in a Midi file with the final minuet played without repeats to “fine”.

So far I am stumped – my fault I am sure. I would dearly like to know if I should pursue this goal or abandon the quest at the outset.

What about defining

minuet = \relative f{
c4 d e2

firstVolta = \relative f {

secondVolta = \relative f {
g2 g

trio = \relative f {
e2 d4 c

and set a \midi-block with

\minuet \firstVolta
\minuet \secondVolta
\minuet \secondVolta

while the score will be something like

\repeat volta 2 { \minuet }
\alternative { { \firstVolta } {\secondVolta } }

Lilypond doesn't support things like minuets, Da Capo, Dal Segno and Coda
stuff - yet.



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