On 24 January 2012 15:06, Shane Brandes <sh...@grayskies.net> wrote:
> My reasoned opinion, which Hayden reiterated, on Gould's pronouncement
> about the matter. Anyway, certainly some ammunition to dissuade the
> editor.
> Shane

I’ve just looked at the sample pages of Behind Bars and would say that
all the examples seem eminently sensible and reasons (when they are
given) seem well-thought-through. I’ll have to order my copy!

You could argue that a comma should go after a melisma, as this where
the singer will take the comma. An exclamation mark, though, is
“performed” (if at all) on or before the syllable it belongs to. I
think punctuation looks better with its accompanying word, and if the
singer gets confused, it was never going to be a very good performance
anyway :-)

It may be worth starting word extensions a little to the right if the
syllable ends with a full stop or a comma to stop them getting lost.


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