Hi everyone,

Quick question for the group: I'm producing part books for all the fugues
in the well-tempered clavier, and I don't like the fact that the
"instrument" name is printed every time there's a new heading:

\book {

\header {
        title = "Das Wohltemperierte Clavier"
        composer = "J.S. Bach"
        instrument = "Superius" }

\score {
\new Staff { \relative c' {c1} }
\header {
title = "FUGA I"
piece = "a 4"}
\score {
\new Staff { \relative c' {c1} }
\header {
title = "FUGA II"
piece = "a 4"}

\paper { print-all-headers = ##t }

I'd like to use the instrument line because I do want the name of the
instrument at the top of each page, just not below the heading for each
fugue. And I'd like to use either the "title" or "subtitle" line for the
heading of each fugue, and the "piece" line for indicating the number of
parts. If I switch on all the headers, I get the instrument name
everywhere, and if I turn them off, I get no titles or subtitles. Can
anybody help?


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