I did not use (or do not remember to) the KDE version and do not
'miss' all those things, but

2012/3/13 Valentin Villenave <valen...@villenave.net>:
> - aesthetically speaking, the difference is huge and the interface
> looks a lot less pretty (pinkish background in the PDF preview: wtf?).

I think this is a matter of default settings and easily adjustable.

> - the source code window sports less pleasant colors (plain
> blue/red/black instead of KDE's pastel tones).


> - the search function is now just that: no search&replace.

Ctrl+H or Edit-> Replace

> - no more terminal frame (unlike LilyPondTool, where the "log window"
> may be used as a terminal emulator).

Well there is a terminal in tools menu.

> - the new "Compile but don't save" behavior is quite surprising (and
> I've found myself loosing more than one score because of it). I'm not
> saying it's bad or absurd, it's just unexpected (and should be
> optional IMO).

It is, go to LilyPond Preferences and set Save If Possible.

> - the intelligent-indenting awesomeness now looks a bit less
> intelligent. (Where's my Ctrl-I?)

I have configured Ctrl-Alt-I for tools->Indent and everything indents
nicely at a keystroke

> - the PDF preview offers less features than before (thanks to the kpdf
> component I could just select an area with the right-button and copy
> it as an image).

I can do that with current version.

> Now, I can't wait to see a Windows and Mac port (that could embed a
> ready-to-run LilyPond distribution, by the way)!

Are we talking about the same program? There's been a Windows port for
a time now. I gave a talk for my colleagues and installed Fresco+Lily
in minutes for all.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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