On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think this is a matter of default settings and easily adjustable.

It probably is (not sure about the PDF background, though); I was just
testifying about the "first-look" appearance, with default colors.

> Ctrl+H or Edit-> Replace

Indeed. Since it wasn't to be found where I was used to, I overlooked it.
(It's Ctrl-R on my distro.)

> Well there is a terminal in tools menu.

Ditto. (Still can't find it in 2.0.2, it must be a recent addition.)

> It is, go to LilyPond Preferences and set Save If Possible.

Oh, yet another thing Wilbert had already thought of. (I had seen this
option but didn't quite understand it before.)

>> - the PDF preview offers less features than before (thanks to the kpdf
>> component I could just select an area with the right-button and copy
>> it as an image).
> I can do that with current version.

I stand corrected. (I guess I hadn't even tried as soon as I saw it
wasn't KDE's PDF component anymore...)

> Are we talking about the same program? There's been a Windows port for
> a time now. I gave a talk for my colleagues and installed Fresco+Lily
> in minutes for all.

Nice. (Wilbert should definitely provide self-contained Lily+Fresco
bundles, that has the potential to be a huge success!)

Okay then, I guess I'll have to go and write a new review for the LilyReport :-)

Thanks for your reply,

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