I fixed the icon :)
BUT I am having some issues with various TypeErrors with
PyQtNullVariants, ex., in the open menu item:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/xhero/devel/frescobaldi-2.0.4/frescobaldi_app/mainwindow.py",
line 372, in openDocument
    files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, caption, directory, filetypes)
TypeError: QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(QWidget parent=None, QString
caption=QString(), QString directory=QString(), QString
filter=QString(), QString selectedFilter=None, QFileDialog.Options
options=0): argument 3 has unexpected type 'QPyNullVariant'

Is there a specific version of python to run? I'm currently using 2.7.2.
BTW drag&drop of a file in the main window opens it without issues.


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