At the risk of 'beating a dead horse' that has nothing to do with Lilypond,
but you put some thought into  remarks below and so here's a reply and then
can me move on to any feed-back about the online compiler, file-manager and
so on? Scantily-clad model on page matter is closed, it was ill-conceived,
 pointed out, and she's being removed. After I say bye.
>At some point of time you need to make up your mind about whether you
>are aiming for a depiction of beauty, or a pretty woman.  The problem is
>not that you are lacking a model, but an artist.

Interesting - 'aiming for a depiction of beauty or a pretty woman' -
they're mutually exclusive? I was aiming for a depiction of beauty, and
chose a beautiful woman. It could have been a beautiful sunset and why am I
even writing this?

>And your rambling about "my taste in women" makes quite obvious that
>your referencing Aquin is not really much more than name-dropping with
>regard to executing an artistic vision:

You omitted the reference I made in the very next message - 'all in fun.
etc' The 'rambling ' was 'all in fun'. Not meant for a peer-reviewed
journal, but a brief comment 'all in fun'.

The quote on the page 'beauty: that which pleases merely by being
perceived' is by Thomas Aquinas, hence I called it the 'Aquinas quote'. No
name-dropping, simply attributing the quote to its (supposed) author.

>Most pictures of a sunset will do a better job of projecting a concept
>of _beauty_, even sunsets not in Toronto with their own agency.

Maybe.  I think a pretty woman is more beautiful than a sunset but it's
subjective. As for 'own agency' - I merely pointed that out in response to
a suggestion that the modelling wasn't professional. It is professional -
Samantha is in high demand. This is a dumb point.

>" 'Pretty' is almost a counterthesis to Aquinous "beauty", and that makes
>it quite a challenge to put _this_ artistic vision into being by using a
>human female: while there certainly is some unique potential because of
>the fundamental appeal to a human recipient, this also offers _far_ too
>many possibilities for distracting from the artistic missive to make
>this easy"

The Aquinas definition of 'beauty' is: "that which is pleasing merely by
being perceived". I don't know what it means that 'pretty' is a
'counterthesis' to 'beauty', as defined: without a definition of 'pretty';
how can a defined term be a 'counterthesis' to an undefined one?
At any rate. that  a 'human female' - as you put it - has potential for
being an object of beauty to a 'human recipient' is something we can agree
on. I will leave to others to decode the sub-text in this.

I'm getting bored. Thanks for the comments, and the critique. Critiques are
good, and I'm changing the landing page accordingly - as noted in a
separate message.

Apologies to those who think this is way off-topic. It is.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 1:07 AM, David Kastrup <> wrote:

> Mike Blackstock <> writes:
> > I seem to be relishing in your bluntness - cute - so let me return the
> > favor. The women is a top Toronto model with her own agency; I'll take
> > her tastes over yours, thanks. What your taste in women is - and who
> > knows what*that* is, I shudder to contemplate it  - doesn't concern
> > me; ditto with Debian. Stick to judgments about music engraving.
> At some point of time you need to make up your mind about whether you
> are aiming for a depiction of beauty, or a pretty woman.  The problem is
> not that you are lacking a model, but an artist.
> And your rambling about "my taste in women" makes quite obvious that
> your referencing Aquin is not really much more than name-dropping with
> regard to executing an artistic vision:
>     In his Summa Theologiae St. Thomas gives three distinguishing
>     characteristics of beauty: wholeness or integrity, proportion or
>     harmony, and claritas which can be translated splendor, radiance,
>     light, brilliance. The chief characteristic is claritas, 'radiance'
>     ... beautiful things shine. The beautiful illuminates our
>     intellectus with the intuition of understanding. The eyes and ears
>     of our soul enable our vision to see the transcendent beauty present
>     ontologically in all being.".
> Most pictures of a sunset will do a better job of projecting a concept
> of _beauty_, even sunsets not in Toronto with their own agency.
> "Pretty" is almost a counterthesis to Aquinous "beauty", and that makes
> it quite a challenge to put _this_ artistic vision into being by using a
> human female: while there certainly is some unique potential because of
> the fundamental appeal to a human recipient, this also offers _far_ too
> many possibilities for distracting from the artistic missive to make
> this easy.
> LilyPond's boilerplate slogan is "beautiful typesetting", not "pretty
> music".  Did you even bother telling to your model and agency your aim
> and artistic vision of showing the overarching of Aquinous beauty, the
> resonating of God's presence in the fabric of the world and its human
> perception and understanding across musical typesetting and the
> appearance of a woman?  If you didn't, _her_ tastes do not even come
> into play with regard to the suitability of the result.
> --
> David Kastrup
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