You wrote:-
> Hi, as a songwriter that sings/plays, I often want to put together
> rough lead sheets that communicate chords/lyrics/structure as a
> memory aid, or to give to backup musicians.

Hi Curt,
After a bit of tinkering with your second code, and constant reference to the Notation Reference, :) I have come up with the following which does, I 'think', do what you require. Note the settings for raggedness in the \paper block, and the relocation of \textLengthOn.
I hope this helps
\version "2.15.43"
\language "english"
\paper {
  left-margin = 25
    ragged-right = ##t
     ragged-last = ##f
chordSymbols = \chordmode
fs1:maj7 fs:maj7/e g:sus4 f e   

songLyrics = \lyricmode
        "My small girl of five wants a"1
        "story good-night she likes"
        "kittens and pebbles and"
        "fairies asleep in the"

slash = \relative { \textLengthOn b1 }

\new ChordNames { \chordSymbols }
\new Staff
\with { \remove Note_heads_engraver }
{ \repeat unfold 5 \slash  }    
\new Lyrics { \songLyrics }
\layout { indent = 0 }

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