Actually not a complaint! But inspired by the thread on upgrading vs not
upgrading, where it was suggested that LP has become inherently more
complex and harder to use, even for simple typesetting.

As a counterexample: A few days ago, I needed to produce a quick page with
some text outlining quartal harmony for some students, with music examples
interspersed. I did need a quick glance at the Notation Reference to
refresh my memory on \column and \justify in a markup block, but that was
quick. All told, it took about half an hour and the output, without any
tweaks or overrides, is clean and legible.

I just wanted to mention it as a case where LP certainly didn't throw up
any pointless roadblocks for basic usage. The improvements in the tool DO

I agree with the remarks on power users. As LP's default output gets closer
to publication quality, more users will want to push the tool further to
squeeze out that last little bit of control (vs, say, accepting the voice
and accidental collisions that are routine in Finale-land).

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