SoundsFromSound <> writes:

> Hi David,
> I'm a little confused.  What problems was David talking about, I didn't
> follow.  So we shouldn't use this boxed notation approach, or we should but
> with caveats?

One shouldn't

a) tamper with internals
b) expect the tampering to remain working in future versions

Mike took some code that was _not_ made a public interface because it
was not able to work according to the expectations of a public interface
(namely that using it in one user-level file will not affect other,
independent files), copied it and made a public interface from it.

Now of course this does not work reliably in a multi-file scenario, and
since it does not work reliably, whenever there _will_ be a public
interface for that kind of thing, it will _necessarily_ have different

So the approach was broken, and it was _guaranteed_ to stop working the
moment the underlying implementation was changed to something less

David Kastrup

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