On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> you seem to use some very strange quotation style.  Please use regular
> quotation style (i.e. your text without > marks, each quotation level
> has one > more).
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 8:44 PM, SoundsFromSound
> <soundsfromso...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Janek Warchoł-2 wrote

>>> - you can pay one of the experienced developers to implement
>>> specifically this feature.  But that would probably be expensive, as
>>> programming work is expensive in general.  You'll probably need to
>>> find several other people willing to pay for this.
>> I'm confused, I thought David was a developer - no?
> Yes, he is.  Our most active one at the moment.
>> You said paying him would not be a likely path to seeing
>> this boxed notation implemented further, but rather just to help LilyPond
>> in general, progress as software.
> It depends.  You can add $10/month to the "general David fund", just
> to enable David working on LilyPond in general (that's continouous
> financial support).  Or you can negotiate a specific contract with him
> - or someone else - where you'd give that person a significantly
> bigger amount of money once and he'd implement something specific
> (that's hiring a programmer to implement a feature).

I think that there's some confusion between the Davids here...  Janek
is speaking of David Kastrup.  The author of the file under discussion
is me, David Nalesnik, with generous contributions from Mike Solomon.

>> Thank you for clarifying this for me, because up until this
>> point, I thought the boxed notation situation was in its current state
>> because it simply was not possible (from a coding standpoint or something)
>> - not a matter of time/funding/desire for modern notation possibilities.

It should be possible to get frame notation into LilyPond.  In fact, I
could quickly convert the file into a patch.  However, I'd like to get
it right.  There is much testing/improving/study of examples in
published scores to be done.  (Provision has to be made for a frame
extending across a line break, for one thing.)

You could of course hire somebody to get this expedited, but I'm happy
to work on this further, bounty or no.


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