Hi all,

In the following snippet, you can see a [minor] effect of one of the [major] 
lyric text problems that Janek was hoping to fix with his GSoC work, and a 
partial quick-and-dirty hack:

\version "2.17.8"

eighthNotes = \relative c' {
  \time 12/8
  \repeat "unfold" 9 { c8 } c4 r8

syllables = \lyricmode {
  Here is a test, but it’s on -- ly a test.

\score {
    \new Voice \eighthNotes
    \addlyrics \syllables

\score {
    \new Voice \eighthNotes
    \addlyrics \syllables
  \layout {
    \context {
      \override LyricText #'X-extent = #'(-1.55 . 1.55)

Now I would love a callback function which would set the LyricText back "where 
it should be" (i.e., centred if not the first syllable of a melisma, 
left-aligned otherwise). Can this be done automatically, maybe via a Scheme 
engraver? Can the whole thing be automated (i.e., every measure of music is 
spaced evenly based on the largest necessary LyricText X-extent, then the 
LyricText grobs are put back "where they should be")?

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