
Thanks so much. That got me about 90% of the way there, but playing around with 
what you did got me the other 10% of the way there, so that does it. What was 
missing for me was the  "\once \override Staff.BarLine #'allow-span-bar = ##f", 
which was obvious in its intent, but which my previous searches had not 

The *1/2 bit I also wasn't familiar with, but it solves things and it looks 
like I can use it many other places in the score where I find that Lilypond is 
being too literal in its mapping of note duration to physical length. So I get 
an added benefit from your explanation :-)



On 2012 Dec 13, at 00:19 , Thomas Morley <> wrote:

> Hi Arle,
> 2012/12/12 Arle Lommel <>
> Thanks to everyone for recent help. I've been truly impressed by how helpful 
> people have been for my requests.
> Now I have one more problem with the piano piece I am working on. I am using 
> a pianoStaff, which works fine, except that I now have a portion with a bunch 
> of ossia parts (almost one a measure) that occupy only about the span of an 
> eighth note each. I have run into two issues that I cannot find addressed 
> online anywhere, and I am hoping someone can help:
> 1. When adding an ossia to a piano staff the bar lines are automatically 
> connected down from the ossia to the main piano staff. Normally not a 
> problem, but for the piece I am working on I don't want them connecting. I 
> find plenty of snippets about how to remove bar lines in the staff while 
> leaving them on between staves, but nothing about the reverse. It isn't for 
> lack of searching for a solution and trying out various things. So can anyone 
> make a suggestion on how to achieve this?
> Try 
> \once \override Staff.BarLine #'allow-span-bar = ##f
> as shown below.
> 2. In the first two instances where I call the ossia parts, there is one on 
> the last half beat of a measure and a *separate* one on the first half beat 
> of the next measure. Lilypond, quite logically, assumes that these should be 
> stuck together (since there is no time between them) and under any other 
> circumstance I would be happy for it to do so. But here it would be ideal if 
> I could somehow put a little white space between them because I need to show 
> that they are not a single continuous ossia but rather two separate optional 
> performance variants.
> One way would be to scale the last note of the first ossia add \stopStaff ans 
> the remaining note-value as a spacer-rest.
> \version "2.16.1"
> staffPiano = 
> \new PianoStaff {
>         \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
>         \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
>         \time 3/4
>         <<
>         \context Staff = "top" { 
>             \clef treble
>             \key b \major
>             \relative c' {
>                     <<
>                       {
>                             \once \stemDown 
>                             <e ais cis \tweak #'duration-log #1 fis> \arpeggio
>                       }
>                       \\
>                       {
>                             \tiny c''8\rest dis,8 dis4 dis4
>                       }
>                       \\
>                       { 
>                             s2 s8 % why /skip?
>                             % <<
>                             \new Staff = "Ossia" \with {
>                                     alignAboveContext = #"top"
>                                     fontSize = #-2
>                                     \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = 
> #(magstep -2)
>                                     \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
>                                     \override Clef #'transparent = ##t
>                                     \override KeySignature #'stencil = ##f
>                             } % end \with for ossia-staff 
>                             {
>                                     \key b \major
>                                     %% scaling the latter 16th to insert a 
> s32 later.
>                                     fis16 fis16*1/2 \ottava #0
>                                     \stopStaff 
>                                     s32
>                                     %% setting BarLine 'transparent for 
> ossia-staff.
>                                     \once \override Staff.BarLine 
> #'transparent = ##t
>                                     %% disallow span-bar for ossia-staff.
>                                     \once \override Staff.BarLine 
> #'allow-span-bar = ##f
>                             }
>                             % >>
>                       }
>                       >>
>                       |
> % bar 2
>                     <<
>                       {
>                             fis8[ fis8] fis8[ fis8] fis8 fis8]
>                       }
>                              \context Staff = "Ossia" {
>                                      \startStaff 
>                                      r8 dis8 
>                                      \stopStaff
>                              }
>                     >>
>             }
>         } % top-staff
>         \context Staff = "bottom" {
>             \clef bass
>             \key b \major
>             \relative c {
>                     fis,4 fis4 fis4 |
>                     fis4 fis4 fis4 |
>             }
>         } % end bottom-staff
>         >>
> } % end PianoStaff
> \score {
>         <<
>         \staffPiano
>         >>
>         \layout {
>             \context {
>                     \PianoStaff
>                     \consists #Span_stem_engraver
>                     \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver"
>             }
>         } % end layout
> } % end score
> HTH,
>   Harm

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