Dear Mario,

> I see two problems related to ties that I can't really explain/fix given
> my limited understanding of LilyPond:
> 1. Ties before a repeat and at the end of alternatives:
> \version "2.14.2"
I would recommend to update to the latest stable version 2.16.

> \score {
> {
> \clef "treble"
> \key g \major
> \time 3/8
> g''4.~-4 \bar "|:" % 1
You do not need that repeat bar. The repeat command does it for you.
I would suggest to repeat from the very beginning, and end one measure
earlier, too.

> \repeat volta 2 {
>   << { a''4.~}\\{g''8 fis''16 e'' d'' c''-2} >> |

Here, life is very complicated for you and LilyPond, because every
measure has a new pair of voices. It would make sense to have 2 voices
throughout the piece, using:
  \new Voice { a''4.~ | … }
  \new Voice { g''8 fis''16 e'' d'' c''-2 | … }

instead of << { } \\ { } >> in every measure.

> \alternative {
>   {<< {d'16 c' b a g  fis-1}\\{ fis8 r r} >> |  g''4.~-4  | }
>   {<d' fis>4. | a''4.~-4  | }

Here, the error message is correct, because there is no note that
follows this tie. You would not have this problem, if the repeat was
shifted by one measure as described above. If you really need such ties,
\laissezVibrer could be helpful (and \repeatTie in the other direction
at the beginning of an alternative).

> I will probably have to do some reordering there.

That would be helpful.

> 2. Ties in chords:

Again, having 2 voices throughout the piece and not a new pair for every
measure would solve your issues. You can not tie notes from one voice to


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