To indicate guide fingering I've been using the code below. In 2.17.10, the fingering with guide is placed above the stem even though Fingering.add-stem-support = ##f. In 2.17.9 and earlier it was placed at the same height as normal fingering. I've attached pngs of the output on 2.17.9 and 2.17.10:

\version "2.17.9"

% left-hand finger guide finger between notes
#(define (gx slope character fingering)
  ;; Purpose
  ;;   add ornamentation character before fingering symbol
  ;; Parameters
  ;;   slope : angle of rotation around right centre
  ;;   character : ornamentation character for fingering
  ;;   fingering : fingering designation for note
  ;; Examples
  ;;   (gx 0 #x2013 fingering)
  ;;       unicode #x2011 <-> #x2015 are different length "-" punctuation
  (let ((music (make-music 'FingeringEvent)))
    (set! (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)
      (acons 'stencil
        (lambda (grob)
          (let* ((finger (ly:music-property fingering 'digit))
(finger-stil (grob-interpret-markup grob (number->string finger)))
            (finger-stil-ext (ly:stencil-extent finger-stil X))
            (guide-char character)
(guide-stil (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:char guide-char))) ;; first combine stencils without any rotation of the guide line in ;; order to get X and Y extent to use for final translation of the ;; combined stencil so that the fingering number is correctly aligned
              X 1   ;; combine stencils along X-axis on right
0.3)) ;; add padding to move guide slightly left from finger number
            (stil-ext-X (ly:stencil-extent stil X))
            (stil-ext-Y (ly:stencil-extent stil Y))
            ;; now combine again with requested rotation
(ly:stencil-rotate guide-stil slope 1 0) ;; rotate "slope" around right centre
              X 1   ;; combine stencils along X-axis on right
0.3)) ;; add padding to move guide slightly left from finger number
            ;; Alter X-extents of combined stencil so that it
            ;; will be positioned with the number centered
            ;; over the note.
             ;; leave fingerings oriented to side alone
             (if (= 0 (ly:grob-property grob 'side-axis))
                (ly:stencil-expr stil)
(* 0.52 (- (cdr stil-ext-X) (interval-length finger-stil-ext))))
      (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)))

% guide hyphen
%   <c-\ghy #-15 -1>4  c4^\ghy #45 ^2  c4-\ghy #-15 -3 c4_\ghy# -14 _4
ghy = #(define-music-function (parser location slope fingering) (number? ly:music?)
           (gx slope #x2010 fingering))

\relative c'{
    \override Fingering.staff-padding = #'()
    \override Fingering.add-stem-support = ##f
  <c-1>4  <d-\ghy #15 -3>

<<attachment: 2.17.10.png>>

<<attachment: 2.17.9.png>>

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