Hi Keith,

> for the part where the player switches instruments, you'd probably like to 
> store the as-written pitches along with the transpositions.  Then you can use 
> LilyPond's quoting system to get the music in concert pitch for the C-score.

Now we're getting somewhere! Thanks!
I will test this technique with more abstracted setups (e.g., the key 
signatures in a global variable, shared across multiple 
multi-instrumentalists), and see how it works.

All the best,

> windMusic = {
>  <>^\markup\bold "Flute"
>  \transposition c'
>  \key d \major
>  \relative d' {
>    d8( e fis g a b cis d) }
>  <>^\markup\bold\concat{ "Clarinet in B" \flat}
>  \transposition bes
>  \transpose bes c' \relative d' {
>    \tag#'part \key d\major
>    d( e fis g a b cis d)
>    \bar "||"  %% This gets lost, maybe due to a bug
>    \key f \major
>    d,( e fis g a b cis d) }
>  <>^\markup\bold "Flute"
>  \transposition c'
>  \tag#'part \key f \major
>  \relative d' {
>    d( e fis g a b cis d) } }
> \addQuote "wind" \keepWithTag#'score \windMusic
> windMusicInC = \quoteDuring "wind" #(skip-of-length windMusic )
> \new Staff \keepWithTag#'part \windMusic % Part
> \score { \new Voice \windMusicInC }

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