2013/4/14 Avi Drissman <a...@drissman.com>:

> So that's how you re-use a Lyrics. That works, but is a bit ugly in that you
> have to create new voices over and over. So I tried re-using a voice using
> that \context trick

How about using separate voices:

\version "2.16.1"

altonotesUp =
\relative c' {
  s1*3 s2
  fis8( a) b4~ | b a( fis d) | fis1
  \voiceOne d8[^\markup { \italic "cresc. poco a poco" } e] fis2.~( | fis2 e4.)

altonotesDown =
\relative c' {
  fis2\p e |
  d cis |
  d cis |
  b \voiceTwo fis'2~ |
  fis4 e( cis8 b a4) |
  a1 |
  r4 d\f d4. fis8 |
  fis1 |
  r1 |
  \voiceTwo r1 |
  r2 cis8 d e \oneVoice e8~ |

altowordsUp =
\lyricmode {
  doo __ doo __ doo __ on
  Car -- ry on, __

altowordsDown = \lyricmode {
  cooled my head and warmed my heart
  doo __ doo __ on
  this road to -- night.
  Nev -- er run,

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff = "alto" \with { instrumentName = A } <<
      \new Voice = "altoUp"
      \new Voice = "altoDown"
    \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = alto }
      \lyricsto "altoUp" \altowordsUp
    \new Lyrics
      \lyricsto "altoDown" \altowordsDown
  \layout {}


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