On 07/20/2013 10:39 PM, Carl Peterson wrote:
> You've specified the bars in all your voices. It looks like the bass
> voice ends before the others, so you're seeing the double-bar for the
> bass voice, then the others. Typically, you only want one voice
> explicitly declaring bars (and breaks) to avoid confusion. I
> typically use an extra voice on one of my staves that is nothing but
> skips, bars and breaks.

I will disagree with Carl here — I like to have end bars (and other
flow-features) in all my parts precisely because errors like this show
up with a giant flashing neon sign.  It is a nice diagnostic side-effect.

Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
“Peace has other governments that don’t go through the will of
 politicians.” — Mia Couto, “Rain, the Dreamsend” (tr. Austen Hyde)
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