On 21 Jul 2013, at 21:16 , Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:

2013/7/21 Christopher R. Maden <cr...@maden.org>

I will disagree with Carl here — I like to have end bars (and other
flow-features) in all my parts precisely because errors like this show
up with a giant flashing neon sign. It is a nice diagnostic side- effect.


I absolutely agree with you Carl.

And I agree with Chris. A seperate tracks is perfect for large scores, but not always worth the extra trouble for the smaller pieces.

Because I usually have instrumental parts, often transposed and sometime included in larger scores, I tend to used tags to make the difference. For example something basic like this:

\version "2.16.0"

music = \relative f' {
        c-\tag #'part ^"(part)"
          -\tag #'score ^"(score)"
        d e f g
        a b c
        \tag #'score \bar "|."

\score {
        \new Staff {
                \keepWithTag #'part \music
                \keepWithTag #'score \music

There is also a function in the archive to use multiple tags in one call: \keepWIthTags which I've included in my own library.


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