2013/8/19 James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com>:
> Phil Holmes <mail <at> philholmes.net> writes:
>> I think a lot of us simply use the Dutch standard of es for a flat and is
>> for a sharp - I certainly do.
> I'll be bold and disagree. G-flat is ges in Dutch (3 characters) and gf in
> English (2 characters). If you're typesetting a piece in D-flat major, the 33%
> redundancy for every black-key note in Dutch will add up quickly.
> I've been dealing with repetitive strain injuries for more than half my life
> now, so I have a rather strong aversion toward extra symbols, such as the "s"
> in -es and -is, which are identical between flats and sharps and thereby do
> nothing to distinguish them. They take up space but don't /do/ anything in
> return for the extra finger effort. If I were forced to type them, I would
> seek another input method. Fortunately I can just set the language to English
> and then enjoy more efficient input.

I think that the best solution would be to have some special keyboard
entry mode in Frescobaldi (for example, it could be diatonic and
automatically add alterations according to key signature).
I was thinking about something like this.


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