2013/8/18 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>:
> 2013/8/18 Pierre Perol-Schneider <pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com>:
>> 2013/8/17 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>
>>> > 2) property setting music objs. in music-functions.scm
>>> Here I don't understand.
>>> Could you c/p what you did?
>> OK.
>> In LilyPond scm files, there is one named music-functions.scm.
>> If you open it, at the end of the first quater you'll see :
>>  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> ;; property setting music objs.
>> .... bla bla
>> (define-safe-public (make-voice-props-set n)
> [...]
> Hi Pierre,
> thanks for the hint.
> After a quick glance, this code is aargh!
> It's the hardcoded impossipility to use $(add-grace-property ...)
> _and_ \voiceXxx
> I see no way to workaround with custom-functions/definitions in a lily-file.


after some more thinking about it, I have to say this code _is_ horrible.
David K tackled it already in different ways, see issue 630.

Though, I've found sort of in-file-work-around.
There's one big issue with it: If a specified voiceX is followed
immediately by a grace, customized grace-settings are ignored and/or
other unexpected things may happen.

This is related to issue 630
See: comment 14 and 25
Right now I have to state that my work-around has to be inserted at
least one note before the grace appears.
Though, this not only a very annoying bug with my code, it's the same
with default \voiceOne etc.

I plan to provide a patch doing some clean-up in music-function.scm.
Though, it will not change any output, nor kill the bug, nor offer new
possibilities of input or output, for now.
Best I hope is to do some preliminary work.
I tried to create some user-interface to insert custom
voiced-grace-settings, without success so far.
Will ask more detailed on -devel.

What I currently do, is to redefine \voiceXxx:

\version "2.14.2"

%% c/p from music-functions.scm, adding some Grobs.
#(define direction-polyphonic-grobs
    DynamicText ;; added
    DynamicLineSpanner ;; added
    Hairpin ;; added

%% c/p out of 'make-voice-props-set' from music-functions.scm, naming it.
#(define general-grace-settings
    (Voice Stem font-size -3)
    (Voice Flag font-size -3)
    (Voice NoteHead font-size -3)
    (Voice TabNoteHead font-size -4)
    (Voice Dots font-size -3)
    (Voice Stem length-fraction 0.8)
    (Voice Stem no-stem-extend #t)
    (Voice Beam beam-thickness 0.384)
    (Voice Beam length-fraction 0.8)
    (Voice Accidental font-size -4)
    (Voice AccidentalCautionary font-size -4)
    (Voice Script font-size -3)
    (Voice Fingering font-size -8)
    (Voice StringNumber font-size -8)

%% Modified copy of 'make-voice-props-set' from 'music-functions.scm.
%% An additional argument @var{l}, supposed to be an alist, is added.
%% @var{l} is processed by @code{get-list-entries}, defined later.
%% The result is appended to @code{general-grace-settings}, used to fill
%% 'graceSettings.
#(define (custom-make-voice-props-set l n)
    (map (lambda (x) (make-grob-property-set x 'direction
                                             (if (odd? n) -1 1)))
     (make-property-set 'graceSettings
                          (get-list-entries l n)
     (make-grob-property-set 'NoteColumn 'horizontal-shift (quotient n 2))))))

%% A little procedure to get the entries from @var{lst}, depending on @var{n}
#(define (get-list-entries lst n)
  (cond ((and (= n 0) (assoc-ref lst 'voiceOne))
             (cadr (assoc-ref lst 'voiceOne)))
        ((and (= n 1) (assoc-ref lst 'voiceTwo))
             (cadr (assoc-ref lst 'voiceTwo)))
        ((and (= n 2) (assoc-ref lst 'voiceThree))
             (cadr (assoc-ref lst 'voiceThree)))
        ((and (= n 3) (assoc-ref lst 'voiceFour))
             (cadr (assoc-ref lst 'voiceFour)))
        (else '())))

%% Procedure to define custom-voices.
%% @var{l} is supposed to be a list containing grace-settings
#(define (define-voice l n)
  (custom-make-voice-props-set l n)

%% This list, containing the custom-settings for different voices, is used to
%% redefine @code{voiceOne} etc.
#(define custom-voiced-grace-settings
      (voiceTwo . `(
              (Voice Flag color (1 0 0))
              (Voice NoteHead style cross)
      (voiceOne . `(
              (Voice Flag color (0 1 0))
              (Voice NoteHead style mensural)
      (voiceThree . `(
              (Voice Flag color (0 0 1))
              (Voice NoteHead style diamond)
      (voiceFour . `(
              (Voice Flag color (0 1 1))
              (Voice NoteHead style slash)

%% Redefining and renaming @code{voiceOne}
customVoiceOne = #(define-voice custom-voiced-grace-settings 0)
customVoiceTwo = #(define-voice custom-voiced-grace-settings 1)
customVoiceThree = #(define-voice custom-voiced-grace-settings 2)
customVoiceFour = #(define-voice custom-voiced-grace-settings 3)

%% Duplicates the settings in property-init.ly
% voiceOne = #(define-voice '() 0)
% voiceTwo = #(define-voice '() 1)
% voiceThree = #(define-voice '() 2)
% voiceFour = #(define-voice '() 3)

% The new @code{add-grace-property}. Thanks David Kastrup.
% As default usable since 2.17.25
#(define-public (add-grace-property context-name grob sym val)
   "Set @var{sym}=@var{val} for @var{grob} in @var{context-name}."
   (define (set-prop context)
    (let* ((current (ly:context-property context 'graceSettings))
            (new-settings (append current
                                  (list (list context-name grob sym val)))))
      (ly:context-set-property! context 'graceSettings new-settings)))

  (make-apply-context set-prop))


%% NOTE: If a specified voiceX is followed immediately by a grace, customized
%% grace-settings are ignored and/or other unexpected things may happen.
%% Related to issue 630
%% http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=630
%% See: comment 25
%% http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=630#c25

\new Staff \with { $(add-grace-property 'Voice 'NoteHead 'style 'cross) }
   \new Voice
   { \customVoiceOne c'''1\< \grace d'''8  c'''1\! }
   \new Voice
   { \customVoiceTwo c1\> \grace d8  c1\! }
   \new Voice
   { \customVoiceThree c''1 \grace d''8  c''1 }
   \new Voice
   { \customVoiceFour c'1 \grace d'8  c'1 }
 \oneVoice c'1 \grace d'8  c'1
 \displayMusic \customVoiceOne c'1 \grace d'8  c'1
 \voiceOne c'1 \grace d'8  c'1

\new Voice \with { $(add-grace-property 'Voice 'NoteHead 'style 'cross) }
    \grace d''8 c''4
    \acciaccatura d''8 c''4

Also attaching the code and image.


Attachment: voiced-grace-settings-01.ly
Description: Binary data

<<attachment: voiced-grace-settings-01.preview.png>>

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