Am 27.08.2013 18:07, schrieb David Kastrup:
Marc Hohl <> writes:

Ok, thanks! Now I can just write

\mark\jazzTempoMarkup Blues c4. "60"

which looks way neater than

\mark\jazzTempoMarkup #"Blues" c4. #"60"

(the numbers still have to be quoted).

Uh, you could have written that even before.  The difference is just
that you can write \mark\jazzTempoMarkup \markup ... now.

I think I tried that and got errors before, but I am not sure now.

But the main question still remains – what causes this ugly space when
I use a dotted note?

Not having the Jazz fonts, I just outcommented all instances of \jazzOn
without resulting spacing problems.  That would seem to suggest either
bad metrics for the jazz dot, or some other settings made by \jazzOn
(like proportionalNotationDuration or whatever else).

I just skimmed through the \overrides which LilyJAZZ.ily does, and
most of the stencils overrides are paired like this:

\override Staff.NoteHead #'stencil = #jazz-notehead
\override Staff.NoteHead #'Y-extent = \makeUnpurePureContainer

but not the dots! So I added

\override Staff.Dots #'X-extent = \makeUnpurePureContainer

and voilá: it works!

So cc'ing to Torsten, this may be useful for future versions.


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