On 18.09.2013, at 04:42, Guy Stalnaker <jimmyg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Davide, 
> Success!! I followed your guide for uninstalling and reinstalling and it all 
> now works!
> Thank you very much for your continued help and guidance. And for the 
> Frescobaldi port! 
> Best regards,
> Guy
> Guy Stalnaker
> jimmyg...@gmail.com
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Davide Liessi <davide.lie...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Dear Guy,
> 2013/9/17 Guy Stalnaker <jimmyg...@gmail.com>:
> > Thank you for this explanatory reply. I'm one of those people who actually 
> > appreciates them :-)
> I'm glad to hear this.
> Also this message is a bit long... :)
> > In your reply you mention rebuilding popplerqt4.  How is that done?
> The easiest way to rebuild a port is "sudo port -f uninstall portname"
> followed by "sudo port install portname".
> The "-f" flag is necessary if the port is a dependency of another
> port, as in this case.
> If you want to rebuild all ports that may be involved in this issue, try this:
> $ sudo port -f uninstall py27-python-poppler-qt4
> $ sudo port -f uninstall py27-pyqt4
> $ sudo port -f uninstall py27-sip
> $ sudo port -f uninstall poppler
> $ sudo port -f uninstall frescobaldi
> $ sudo port -f uninstall frescobaldi-devel
> Maybe you have multiple versions of these ports installed (previous
> deactivated versions).
> In this case MacPorts will report an error, asking to specify exactly
> which port you want to uninstall.
> E.g. let's say that you have this situation:
> $ port installed name:sip
> The following ports are currently installed:
>   py27-sip @4.15.1_0
>   py27-sip @4.15.2_0 (active)
> MacPorts will report this:
> $ sudo port -f uninstall py27-sip
> --->  The following versions of py27-sip are currently installed:
> --->      py27-sip @4.15.1_0
> --->      py27-sip @4.15.2_0 (active)
> Error: port uninstall failed: Registry error: Please specify the full
> version as recorded in the port registry.
> In this case you actually want to uninstall only the active version,
> so you will reissue the uninstall command specifying the version:
> $ sudo port -f uninstall py27-sip @4.15.2_0
> Do this for each port that has multiple versions.
> After you have successfully uninstalled all those ports, install
> poppler with the requested variants:
> $ sudo port install poppler +qt4 +quartz
> Then you can install Frescobaldi again with
> $ sudo port install frescobaldi
> or
> $ sudo port install frescobaldi-devel
> or
> $ sudo port install frescobaldi-devel +app
> This will make MacPorts reinstall also Frescobaldi's dependencies.
> Technically it is not necessary to uninstall Frescobaldi and reinstall
> it, nor to uninstall each of these ports, but this is the simplest way
> to achieve what we want.
> Let me know what happens.
> Best wishes.
> Davide
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