On 17 September 2013 19:55, Davide Liessi <davide.lie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Guy,
> 2013/9/17 Guy Stalnaker <jimmyg...@gmail.com>:
> > 3. run "sudo port selfupdate" to get things up to date after the clean
> and
> > FileVault issues (this took well over SIX hours -- good gawd)
> Are you really saying that "sudo port selfupdate" took six hours? Or
> was it a "sudo port upgrade outdated" after the selfupdate?
> The latter could be OK, if there were large ports to be compiled from
> source; I would be very worried of the former.
> > <quote>
> > [Lots of traceback calls]
> >     import popplerqt4
> > RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v10.0 to v10.1 but the
> > popplerqt4 module requires API v9.1
> > </quote>
> Usually this means that sip was updated but pyqt4 or
> python-poppler-qt4 still are not.
> The solution would be the one mentioned by Philippe: rebuild
> py27-pyqt4 and py27-python-poppler-qt4. [1]
> There actually was an update of sip port yesterday that I didn't
> notice until now, but...
> > "port installed" shows:
> >
> > <quote>
> > Anorien% sudo port installed | grep sip
> >   py27-sip @4.13.3_0
> >   py27-sip @4.14.2_0
> >   py27-sip @4.15.1_0 (active)
> > Anorien [sudo port installed | grep sip] ~
> > 13-09-16 10:45PM
> > Anorien% sudo port installed | grep poppler
> >   poppler @0.20.5_0+qt4+quartz
> >   poppler @0.22.0_0+qt4+quartz
> >   poppler @0.24.1_0+qt4+quartz (active)
> >   poppler-data @0.4.6_0 (active)
> >   py27-python-poppler-qt4 @0.16.3_1 (active)
> > </quote>
> ... you apparently have the same versions installed as me, and not the
> newer version of sip, and my installation doesn't have sip API
> problems.
> (Just a side note: you don't need to use "sudo" with port commands if
> you are only retrieving information about ports.)
> Anyway, I've just updated all ports ("sudo port sync", "sudo port
> upgrade outdated") without rebuilding python-poppler-qt4, and they are
> still working as expected.
> Maybe the outdated port is pyqt4: can you tell me the output of "port
> installed name:pyqt4"?
> > I cannot deactivate the active py27-sip or poppler. I get a dependency
> > errors.
> MacPorts doesn't let you deactivate ports that are dependencies of
> other ports: you must use the force ("-f") option if you really want
> to do that.
> > I installed the non-devel frescobaldi and get the exact same error on
> > running from terminal.
> OK. I don't think it is a problem with Frescobaldi.
> 2013/9/17 Guy Stalnaker <jimmyg...@gmail.com>:
> > I have a working frescobaldi. I had to  download the latest popplerqt4
> from
> > the poppler source. I did the bad thing and installed it over the old,
> but I
> > have a working frescobaldi and that's the important thing.
> Let me say this: yes, you did the bad thing.
> If you manually installed stuff inside MacPorts' tree (/opt/local),
> it's very likely that you are going to have similar problems in the
> future.
> Now you have a working Frescobaldi, but if you'll have problems in the
> future, I'll be happy to help.
> Best wishes.
> Davide
> [1] This is a task for Portfile writers: whenever a dependency x of
> port y is updated and rebuilding port y is required, the Portfile
> writer increases the "revision number" of port y, so MacPorts knows
> that there was an update, even if the version number does not change.
> This is usually done at the same time as the update in port x, but
> since my Portfiles aren't in the main repository, I need to notice the
> update of port sip and then update my ports.
> Anyway, the latest update of sip didn't change the API, so this is not
> what happened this time.
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Davide, you are (as we say in Australia) an utter legend!

I was reluctant to touch my painfully installed, nearly working version of
Frescobaldi, but it broke when I tried to install something else. There was
a problem installing Poppler, but uninstalling and reinstalling the
dependencies fixed that. Now for the first time MIDI is working (I had
assumed Portmidi was permanently broken on Mac), and Poppler can now
display large documents properly.

Thank you!
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