On 9/29/13 5:29 PM, Federico Bruni wrote:
> are you  sure you need to organize it in \score blocks?
> can you use variables instead (and one \score block)?
One \score is a 4-bar PianoStaff intro only, then the second \score is
the rest of the arrangement, that contains ChordNames, FretBoards, a
Voice with Lyrics, and a PianoStaff for the accompaniment.

When I tried to do this as a single score, I put skips in all the parts
other than the PianoStaff for the intro 4-bar section, and used
\RemoveEmptyStaffContext to try and "hide" all the other parts, but
while they didn't visibly engrave anything, they created a lot of
padding between the header and the first system which I just couldn't
figure out how to get rid of.

Creating this as two scores visibly creates the visual look I'm looking
for (no unnecessary padding, etc.) but I just learned that I can't
create a single MIDI file from them.

Really, LP should let me specify a \midi section at the \book level and
have it generate a MIDI file for all \score's contained in the \book.  :-/

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